

Our Ranks and Grades Match JKA Japan Head Quarter However, there is still color differences between some regions. but the soul system of the requirements almost the same.

Rank Color Requirements
10th Kyu  White 1 Month Training
9th Kyu  White 2 Months Training
8th Kyu  Yellow Heian Shodan + Kihon + Gohan Kumite
7th Kyu Orange Heian Nidan + Kihon + Gohan Kumite
6th Kyu  Green Heian Sandan + Kihon + Gohan Kumite
5th Kyu  Blue Heian Yondan + Kihon + Gohan Kumite
4th Kyu Purple Heian Godan + Kihon + Gohan Kumite
3rd Kyu Brown Tekki Shodan + Kihon + Ippon Kumite
2nd Kyu Brown Bassai Dai + Kihon + Ippon Kumite
1st Kyu  Brown KankuDai + Kihon + JYU Ippon Kumite
1st Dan Black Enpi + Jion+ Kihon + Jiyu Kumite
2nd Dan Black Jitte + KanKuSho + GanKaKu + BassaiSho+ Kihon + Jiyu Kumite
3rd Dan Black NijuShiho+GojuShihoSho+Sochin+Hangetsu Tekki 2/3+ Kihon + Jiyu Kumite
DAN4th to 10th Black ANY and ALL

What is the belt exam?
The more experienced you are, the farther you get.  For every level you achieve you may apply for your next belt.
The belt exam is divided into 3 parts: Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Kihon- basic techniques Kata- forms Kumite- sparring

When can I apply for the next exam?
There should be a minimum period of 4 months between each Kyu exam

There should be a minimum period of 6 months to 1 year between 1st Kyu and First Black belt (ShoDan)
There should be a minimum period of 1 year between 1st black belt (Shodan) and second black belt (Nidan)
There should be a minimum period of 2 years between 2nd black belt (NiDan) and the third black belt (SanDan)

What is my exam techniques? what is required?
All explained in the chart above, however below are links from Tokyo Head Office, it has the techniques that you are required to qualify in your exam. For Dan ranking requirements (Black belts) check the chart, and for more information from JKA HQ
 Please click here.

For Kyu ranking requirements (Color belts) Check the chart, and for more information from JKA HQ Please click here
However, this is the minimum requirements for your exam, JKA Examiners, may add or modify them.

What is the results of the exam? This is the international and Japanese way of examination results.
– Pass: You pass and get ready for more practice and for your next grade.

– ReExam: You re-exam a particular part of the exam after 4-6 months.
– Failed: You will have to repeat the exam in full after 4-6 months.

Belt recognizing?
The following are JKA HQ rules:

  • We do recognize your belt, if it’s JKA or any national federation under WKF umbrella.
  • Any private Karate organizations, clubs, groups or none JKA or WKF certificates is not recognize at all.
  • You have to register your NONE JKA belt with JKA – after a 6 months waiting period or maybe re-exam.
  • Recognition is up to 3rd DAN only.

For Fees of any Rank, grade or qualification?
Please contact us.

Notes ONLY Shotokan Karate art is recognized, we do not recognize any non-national federations belts such as private clubs, dojos, or groups who are not registered or affiliated internationally under any approved federations  (JKA or WKF) You can still apply for our exams and register with us.